Nightlight: A Parody - The Harvard Lampoon

*pause*.... I don't know where to start with a review of this book... so I'll list.

1. A very good parody it was NOT. It was okay but I've read much better.


The fact that Edwart isn't a vampire was a let down and so was bringing in a totally different guy at the end who was an actual vampire. WTF? It also left out a whole boodle of possible hilarity by only referencing a Jacob character but not creating one.


2. Aside from being a mediocre parody, I laughed my ass off in some parts. This alone makes me give it 3 stars. If I hadn't found myself gasping for air in multiple places, I wouldn't have finished this book.


"I noticed there was garlic above the doorframe. Edwart held a stake in one hand and a "Team Jacob" shirt in the other."


All in all, worth the read for the decent amount of one liners but I'd recommend checking it out of the library instead of buying.